Sunday, July 3, 2011

emma watson 2011 mtv after party

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  • weasley
    07-31 07:10 AM


    Furiouspride's first encounter with the Amway posse!

    Circa 2000: It was time to retire!

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  • Emma Watson at MTV movie

  • waiting4gc
    02-13 02:30 PM
    Couldn't agree with you more.

    What ever gave you the idea that EB ROW only wait for 3 years? There's this common misconception flying around here that somehow ROW just cruises by and we get GC handed to us on a platter when in fact up until yesterday EB-3 ROW was just as retrogressed as any other category not to mention that labor (pre PERM) and name check delays affected ROW just as much as everyone else. For instance, my brother, who is EB3-ROW with a PD of Dec 2002... and has been in the US since early 2000 and is still waiting in do the math.

    We're all in this crap together, some worse than others... so let's stop with this ROW Vs India & China nonsense. Country quotas are unfair and frankly the entire GC process is unfair and unpredictable... We should aim for solutions that solve this issue in a comprehensive way, not by dividing us even further.

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  • gdilla
    07-13 12:41 PM
    This is the most ridiculous article I've ever seen.
    "I should have done my own homework before I applied" - no $hit. What makes you think going to med school in Indian means jack in Canada or the US. You have to get board certified. Duh. And I'm afraid cold calling doesn't work anywhere, including the US... does this work in India? Of course they're not going to listen to you. Jeez. People not doing their due diligence before THEY PACK UP AND MOVE HALF WAY ROUND the world... yeah, that proves to me you are smart enough to hire.

    [QUOTE=sankap]Here's an article that appeared in Outlook (India) magazine 8 years ago. Apparently, the situation hasn't changed much since then:

    Canada...The Grass Isn't Greener
    Outlook: Jan 25, 1999

    It's a dream gone sour. Thousands of Indian immigrants who land up in Canada are, more often than not, greeted with unemployment, racism, culture shocks...


    "I didn't come here to be a chowkidar. I came here believing it to be a land of opportunity; a country that has never known the nepotism, the corruption, the shortages of India. I find I have only substituted one country for another... certainly not one set of values for another, as I hoped. " For Dr Gurdial Singh Dhillon, who was made to believe his qualifications would land him a good job fast, Canada was a real disappointment. When he did find work, it was that of a security guard. This, when the United Nations has declared Canada the best country to live in.

    Some 200,000 people migrate to Canada every year, a majority from Asia. Hong Kong heads the list, followed by India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. According to the Citizenship & Immigration Canada report, 21,249 Indians migrated to Canada in 1996 alone. (The high commission in Delhi, however, put the figure at 17,682). For many of them, especially those who are qualified professionals, dreams die fast. The life they face is never quite as rosy as made out by money-raking immigration lawyers.

    Is the UN report the only reason for the increase in Indian applications for immigration? That, and the fact that it is easier to get entry into Canada than any other western country, says a Delhi-based immigration lawyer. Also, the fastest way of getting immigration to the US is through Canada.

    Dhillon's disappointment is echoed by others. "I should have done my own homework before I applied", rues Aparna Shirodhkar, an architect from Mumbai, working as a saleswoman in a department store. "My husband is unemployed. I am the sole earner for a family of four. Sometimes I feel like running back". For Raheela Wasim, who's gone from being a schoolteacher in India to a telemarketer here, the experience was very discouraging, very disheartening. "I started losing confidence in myself. I felt I was not capable of the job market here".

    Jobs are the sore point with Indian immigrants. The irony is, they are often more qualified than their Canadian peers, yet they end up with either no work, or with entry-level jobs that have no future. "I was not told that you require a Canadian degree to get a job here", says Paramjeet Parmar, a postgraduate in biochemistry from Bombay University. Parmar works as a telemarketer, which has turned her from an elite professional to an unskilled, daily wage labourer.
    Ditto Opinder Khosla, a mechanical engineer from India, who has ended up as a salesman. "I found it difficult to even get an interview call", he says. The Canadian authorities are non-committal about the social and economic devaluation that the country imposes on immigrants.

    "You can't come thinking you can just walk in and get a job in your profession", says Isabel Basset, minister of citizenship, culture and recreation, responsible for handling immigrants' woes in Canada's largest province, Ontario. But she admits that the licensing bodies regulating the professions need to be more accepting of people trained elsewhere.

    That effort could only come from the government, argues Demetrius Oriopolis, co-author of Access, a government-commissioned report on assessing qualifications of newcomers, a 10-year-old report whose recommendations have still to be implemented. The report suggests certain rules of equivalence should be made binding on the regulatory bodies, which are exclusionist by nature.

    But Basset won't even hear of making the regulatory bodies accountable: "We believe in private enterprise with a minimum of government checks. Besides, she argues, the exercise would cost millions of dollars".

    Needless to say, the organisations are gleeful. Only professional bodies have the ability to determine what constitutes competence in a particular profession, was the cold response of the spokesperson for the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, an institution that's responsible for the unemployment as well as under-employment of hundreds of qualified chartered accountants from India. They do not grant licences for professional practice, because Indian qualifications are not acceptable.

    "What kind of society are we creating? Is it a new form of slavery?" asks an irate Bhausaheb Ubale, Canada's former human rights commissioner. Qualified immigrants work as drivers, guards. If this isn't job discrimination, what is? Dr Ubale lobbied intensely before Indians were accepted in the media. They now hold jobs as reporters and anchors, he says, but a lot more has to be done.
    While skilled men may not be able to find jobs, their less qualified wives find it easier because they accept whatever comes their way. In several cases, the wives earn and support their husbands who are busy upgrading themselves, by studying for a Canadian degree. The working wife sometimes slogs away at three jobs. Sumitra starts at 7 am at her first job, teaching immigrants English; her second job as telemarketer starts at 4 pm. She gets back home around 8 pm, after which she begins selling cosmetics and household goods door to door. Till midnight. Sumitra supports three students, her husband and two school-going children.

    The other problems Indians face here are the high taxes, high mortgage payments for new homes and the sort of hidebound laws that the benign anarchy back home hardly prepares them for. "You can't run a red light, you can't escape from a hit-and-run site even if you are just the witness, you can't smoke in public. Too many rules, so different from home", says Harminder Singh.

    Two 'Indian' practices that do exist here, however, cause immigrants the maximum trouble. They are sifarish baazi (nepotism) and mufat ka kaam (free work). The Canadians, of course, have given them sophisticated terminologies, the former is referred to as 'networking' and the latter, 'volunteerism'. In a country where you are never encouraged to 'drop in' to meet someone, where the fax, the computer or the phone is used to complete most transactions, a job-seeking immigrant often has the phone put down on him. Polite but firm secretaries block access, unless the caller can drop a magic name that can help him gain entry. It takes at least a year for even the most enterprising immigrant to get to know somebody who can help him, before he can get a job at all.

    'Networking' goes hand in hand with 'volunteerism'. Many immigrants put in a year of free service before they are given the job. Most writers and anchors of Asian origin are given only part-time jobs, paid by assignment and with no fringe benefits. The company insists on the word 'freelance' on their business cards, to make it clear they have not been hired by the company, and hence can't demand higher pay or any benefits. They can, and often are, fired at will.

    Perhaps the greatest problem in Canada is the one that is least articulated--racism. According to a diversity report on Toronto (said to be the most ethnically diverse city in the world), the year 2000 will see its minority becoming its majority that is, 54 per cent of Toronto's population by the end of the millennium will be non-Whites. Keeping that in mind, it warned, if the discrimination against them in education, employment, income and housing, or incidents of hate are not addressed, it will lead to a growing sense of frustration.

    "All our problems exist because of racism", sums up Anita Ferrao, who works in a firm. Anita has worked for them for three years and has got neither promotion nor raise. "As an Indian immigrant, you can never reach the top. They'll see to that. It's better to bring in some money here and start a business. It's the only way you'll do well here and be respected. "
    But then if life is so tough here, why do people give up everything back home and come? The answer is the rosy picture of North America, inculcated right from childhood. Everything 'American' is considered superior. Better food, better homes, better life.

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  • mundada
    06-15 04:18 PM
    I hear you buddy but that is what America is and that is what makes America so great. The constant flow of immigrants/productivity growth through technological enhancements will always require you to keep upgrading your skills and hence your salary.

    The moment you were forced to enroll in MBA in an effort to upgrade your skills and hence increase your salary means American model and (comparative advantage) economics are working.

    The same thing happened in agriculture, then manufacturing, and now IT and other industries. It is inevitable!

    By the way, it is not dumping. Here is the real definition of dumping, "the act of a manufacturer in one country exporting a product to another country at a price which is either below the price it charges in its home market or is below its costs of production".

    For your information, I like everyone was, am and will most likely continue to be affected by the outsourcing/offshoring/onshoring/immigration/technological innovation/etc.

    Finally protectionism does not work. Take a look at Detroit... in 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the workers bargained for high salaries, job security, retirement benefit plans, etc., free and clear from any foreign worker competition. And now in 2009, take a look at what happened to these workers at the big three, to their house values, to their children's future, to their retirement funds, etc.

    After this do you really think you can protect yourself by closing the door behind you when that is the only exit door, in case you need one!

    Ivar and group,

    I think you guys are missing the plot here. Let me reiterate loud and clear. I am NOT against immigrants getting GC. I will not, even in my wildest dreams, claim that the recession is due to the H1Bs and L1s. That is complete baloney spread around by the anti immigrant lobby. My point is let the deserving the GCs soon and not go thru the mindless wait I went thru.

    Having said that I am for the following :

    1. If the outsourcing companies would pay on an avg at 80K per head for the "well qualified" people, I am even ok with their dumping their dumping the L1s here. Why is it that you guys are ok with the L1s being dumped at 40K-60K salaries ? Shuldn't they get paid high too ? This is what I am arguing for. If the outsourcing cos dont want to pay this rate, then keep them in the country of origin. No need to depress wages here. Is this a wrong thing to ask ?

    2. Grassley's bill may force some companies to move entirely to India or China. Isnt that good for India and China ? Why are the pro immigrants against this ? Some times I get the feeling as to who actually is pro and who is anti immigrant !!!! In adition, it may eliminate the many backlogs and help the deserving people here.

    3. People who have made a conscious decision to immigrate here have done so considering the standard of living as one of the primary factors in their decisions. In order to enjoy this standard of living, people have to constantly upgrade skillsets to remain competitive in an industry or move to another industry where mass interest is relatively low. Why should these people's lives, after all the travails, be impacted by the low wage scum outsourcing companies. Please remember these companies, like an other company on earth, operate only on self interest. No point in supporting such companies which in adition to the self interest principle also flout rules with abandon.

    4. In my opinion, self interest has alwyas resulted in the greater good of society. Do not confuse self interest with greed. Greed is what caused this financial mess. If people/companies operated with concern for greater societal good, they would have spent billions in concocting an AIDS vaccine for the children in Africa than to spend the same billions in concocting VIAGRA for the rich old men. Since employment based immigration debate involves companies' interests too, we have to balance societal good with some impact for the companies. My suggestion here is that let the outsourcers take the hit. They have always benefitted by flouting the rules. If your concern is way too high for your L1 brothers then you would find it prudent to bring in the law that clearly states "Pay high wages for the L1s or dont bring them in here". I dont understand what is wrong here ? Is it that I didnt convey my message across right or is it that people blindly support immigration ?


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  • bajrangbali
    05-01 02:16 PM many of you have heard..Sri Lankan government has led an offensive against LTTE over the past few weeks and both sides have accused each other of killing civilians. And all countries have called for restraint on both sides and stop killing civilians.
    UN confidential report which came to light shows the SL government bombing the safe-zone they allocated for civilians since the offensive began. For the first time, besides each side accusing each other of the civilian killings there is some proof regarding who has done what.
    It is a shame India does not act to protect the interests of its citizens even after this news came up.
    We may be busy with our own issues here..economy, immigration, family, job-stress...the least we can do is bringing to light what is happening to fellow Indians elsewhere in the world..
    No politics can justify killing of innocent people...if congress and India can not get over themselves and help fellow Indians..the day we can claim to be atleast a regional power if very far away. Heck, even USA is trying harder than India by using its muscle to block billions of dollars of IMF funds to SL for not caring about ceasefire.

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  • GCDream
    07-03 08:39 PM _Americans/who

    got 156 so far..

    We need more then this..
    Dugg 159 _Americans/who


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  • thomachan72
    09-04 03:08 PM
    If this thread (forum) was a court room. It would have been declared by Judge that YSR is indeed the most corrupt politician AP had and pending further investigation all the occupied & grabbed lands, wealth be ordered to pay to the victims. In addition, the Judge would put a life time ban his Son from active politics.

    I hope all posters, readers will condemn corruption and blood politics and see US system (for we being in US) as an example for India. No one can better understand American system than us and how it can be modulated to fit into India.

    Nice point truefacts. If indeed we were able to somehow communicate this system to folks in India it would be great. Let us keep the hopes that this will happen some day. Might be due to desperation or some major calamity but somehow people will realize that this corrupt system is unustainable and needs dramatic repair.
    By the way there is another thread with lists of people who died with a request for prayer!! This is another example of how manipulative personalities not only create a chaotic unsustainable regime while they live but also leave a chaotic system once they die.

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  • Lasantha
    12-14 05:29 PM
    Yes, now that does look fair to me.

    Even if we raise the limit to XYZ from 140000, if we still continue with 7% quota then applicants from India/China/Philippines/Mexico would still be retrogressed. It is not correct.
    Let everybody have a go at GC and let it be FIFO, irrespective of the nationality. This is EB and why use diversity if we do not use at the initial stages of bringing people from other countries on H1/J1/L1. These are the people who apply for GC.
    1) Increase GC numbers.
    2) remove per country cap
    3) Remove dependents from GC numbers.

    All above should go in simultaneously for a 'FAIR', 'NON_DISCRIMINATIVE' solution.


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  • gc_check
    06-15 01:45 PM
    Luck does plays in big role in EB Immigration.

    Prior to PERM, people applied from one of the States that were processing fast got the GC within couple years. People mainly from NY,NJ,CA,TX,OH and few others were those unlucky ones who had to go through back log elimination center with very old PD's. All, dates were current till Dec 31,2004 and most people who were able to get Labor approval prior to date were able to file 485 prior to this date and most got GC's. But BEC was slow in the beginning, they had this 45 day letter, etc... and by the time, labor approvals started from BEC, priority dates were already retrogressed. Still most people if not all got their GC's. They are still a significant numbers with PD's from 01,02 and 03 waiting in EB3 category and a few in EB2. Since late 2000 and 2001 were not a nice year for s/w sector, i believe a greater number of people were forced to change employment and without a approved I-140 they were not able to carry their PD. Also few folks stuck with a pending AOS somehow got lucky in July.

    There are multiple form posts with reference to Oppenheim statements and I quote the link from Murthy website

    I believe the significant % of numbers of pending application in EB2 would be with a PERM labor and all are with PD with March 2005 or later and few with traditional labor process. Assume 90% of applicants with PD earlier than 2003 should have got their GC's and if not will soon. EB3 would have a mix of folks waiting as many people are with PD 2004 or later and when dates were current, none bothered about the category in which GC/ labor was filed. EB3, had not gotten any unused visa from other categories and given the current scenario, it does not look bright either, unless EB2 is current, numbers don't trickle down to EB3 and EB3 ROW itself is in severe demand. I do know few unlucky friends of mine with EB3 PD of 2004 or earlier still waiting to file AOS.

    We all know, till Sept 09, nothing would change. Come Oct 2009, with FY10 visas, at least pre-prem EB2 folks have a better change but for EB3, unless you are 2001 / 2002 chance are very little in FY10 and folks with PD03 and sooner can cautiously bet on FY11, unless there is some congressional intervention, the only option is to wait...

    But if we can get one or two small relief, if not a complete solution to the entire mess, legislative solution like Not counting dependent (On average each primary application consume 2-3 visa numbers based on history), re-capture unused numbers, waive per country limit for n number of years or exclude people with PD older than 5 years and already in US (just an example) or exclude people who already have 40 credits points with SSA (At least these people have contributed to the country significantly ~10 yrs and already consider they are part of this society ) might help.

    Also, lately there seems to be a lot of venting out in the forums rather than having a constructive debate / discussion. Also just talking does not translate to results.

    It is practically not possible for all to be actively involved in works IV core is doing (appreciate them) for various reasons but small or big at the least, a one time contribution from all who have not done so far might help these folks who dedicate their time and energy and result in a relief for all. Change doesn't come @ ease. I am not active either, but from time to time, I try to do the small part I can. Given the dynamic environment we are in, we need to do something today or it is too late.... This forum has 30,000 + members and $10 per individual could translate to 300K that can be put to good use. Nothing is free in this world.

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  • eastindia
    07-21 02:30 PM
    If a person is making lot of money through this e-commerce business why is he shopping in cheap Walmart? Why do they drive cheap cars? Beats me.


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  • kondur_007
    06-03 06:37 PM
    this article says and I quote:
    "Mr. Oppenheim stated that immigrant visa applications at U.S. consulates abroad are down seven percent from FY2008. India will use all the visa numbers that are available to its nationals this fiscal year. This is due, in part, to huge increases in the usage of EB4 and EB5 categories. Applicants from India have used twice the number of visas estimated for FY2009"
    now the only category indians could have used up more numbers is EB1, as that is the only category which is current. and this means that india's normal share about 9600 per year, so an extra 9600 EB1 were issued to india, which sounds improbable. this also contradicts what is said in the next paragraph about EB1 usage.
    "Mr. Oppenheim expects that all EB1 visa numbers will be used before the end of FY2009. This may result in the establishment of a cutoff date for the EB1 categories for India and China, beginning in August or September 2009. Usage in the EB1 worldwide category (listed as "all chargeability areas except those listed") is also higher than expected. This may lead to imposition of a cutoff date toward the end of FY2009"
    it can not have gone to EB2 because as Mr. Oppenheimer puts it
    "The EB2 category worldwide is also expected to be over-subscribed and will exhaust all allocated visa numbers before the end of FY2009. To date, Mr. Oppenheim estimates that 3,200 EB2 India visa numbers have been used in FY2009. The high usage in the EB1 category has prevented the usual trickle of visas to the EB2 category"
    so i dont know what he is trying to say when india has used twice the limit in 2009..i would really appreciate any input.
    ALso can somebody please explain this sentence as well
    "He stated that, due to the dramatic increase in employment-based filings visa cutoff dates for FY2010 will be much more limited to ensure that there will be a steady supply of visa numbers available throughout the year"
    However a later report from USCIS says there is a drastic reductionin I 140 apps,
    also just today AILA released that DOL is processing JULY 2008 PERM cases, so where is this demand by increased filings that Mr. Oppenheimer talking about coming from.
    I am totally confused. senior members please analyze

    All these statements are difficult to analyze...I tried to add things up but could not.
    The only way to get the actual idea of what is happening is to look at July, Aug and Sept visa bulletin as well as usage statistics for 2009.

    As far as most of us are concerned, the fiscal year is over and there is no hope till next fiscal year. The analysis of above mentioned visa bulletins and usage statistics may help to understand what to expect over the next fiscal year and thereafter...

    Is all these because of "increase efficiency" of USCIS and FBI that they processed all the old cases (better scenario) or is the result of something else (like tons of EB1C filing) in which case it will be 10+ yrs of delay for most of us:(
    So just wait...

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  • Keeme
    04-16 12:50 PM
    Ultimately everything boils down to corruption. Huge money is going down in the pockets of big media houses, it is so damn obvious...Hindustan times, IBN & NDTV carried pictures of Priyanka Gandhi's children for 3 days on the front page, I never saw pictures or anything on Chandrababu Naidu, Yedirappa, Badal, Gehlot, Shivraj Chauhan or for that reason anybody....these kids are more important than our grassroot leaders ? The family is talking about "Rahul kee Shaadee" and the whole media is printing that, nobody's asking them where were you and what you did in last 5 years ??? - Intresting article on Narendra Modi.


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  • chanduv23
    03-16 01:07 PM
    Verify with another lawyer also, basically your experience starts only after you graduate (after getting your degree and not after finishing college ie say you completed ur degree in may 2000 and recieved your degree in Dec 2000, your experience prior to Dec 2000 may not count)

    Do verify this with a good lawyer.

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  • sankap
    07-10 01:06 PM
    FYI... Canada has much better public schools and health care...Never mind the high taxes...


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  • alisa
    02-18 12:10 PM
    Also all arguments came out of UnitedNations unfortunately are already present and deep seated in a very large %age of our compatriots....That is the main reason behind the less mobilization......

    I differ with you again, my friend.
    The main reason(s) behind less mobilization is this. Pappu described this on a different thread.

    1) Ignorance about the true nature of the problem
    People like you and I don't know that without a change in the laws, they won't get their greencards for another 10-20 years.

    2) Lack of faith and understanding of the system
    People like you and I, once they know that they are getting screwed, think that the situation is hopeless. They don't understand that the merits of our case (you alluded to them in your previous posts, the demographic shift due to the baby boomers retiring requires skilled labor in this country), is sufficient to warrant a sympathetic ear to us in the congress. We CAN freaking get out of the mess we are in.

    We have to accept these two problems. And then we have to address them. How do we do that? Thats the big question.

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  • delax
    07-23 01:47 PM
    See this post by Nixstor:

    If you ignore the VB predictions in the post, the key thing to note is that USCIS and DOS are in constant touch on a weekly basis after the July 07 fiasco. They know exactly the demand and usage rates.

    This leads me to one of the following two conclusions:
    Either USCIS has intimated to DOS that it can process only X number of cases in the next two months and visas remaining are more than that which is why DOS pushed the dates forward so that consular posts can also maximize usage OR

    The numbers remaining are very large for a variety of reasons (category and FB spill over) and USCIS has agreed to process at least a majority if not all the cases within a certain priority date - probably Jun 2006. Based on that DOS agreed to move the PD to June 2006 after also factoring in the CP usage.

    Obviously the latter is better for us - but it could be the former as well.


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  • go_guy123
    07-13 12:36 AM
    I submitted my TOEFL. I think it is enough
    toefl is not recognised only ielts is accepted

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  • ebizash
    07-27 02:18 PM
    I get good monthly checks every month (more then $115), and they don't seem to bounce either. And good thing it increases. Don't need to google anything while I can get from credible sources.

    Good luck then!! I really hope that you get to go to Peter Island one day..

    By the way I realized while reading your reply that I had made a typo in my original message. The disclaimer claims that the average IBO makes $115 a YEAR not month.

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  • needhelp!
    02-13 11:18 AM
    Believe me, in my office or outside, I have talked to every Indian. And not one comes back n discusses with me about IV.

    I strongly feel IV is doing a commendable job with some dedicated contributors.

    Thank you brij523. You are a great supporter of our cause. I cannot forget how hard you worked at diwali mela in DFW even though you already got your GC. Its inspiration from people like you that keeps us going.

    07-22 11:23 AM
    Theres no argument about EB2 retrogression. It will retrogress defenitely in the next few bulletins. But the retrogression would be mild one and that would be there only for a VERY SHORT SPAN of time. After that the cut off dates would run like to reach the CURRENT.


    Appreciate your thoughtful and encouraging posts. Continuing with Ron Gotcher's line of reasoning:

    "It is worth mentioning that the CIS has never adjudicated more than 85,000 EB AOS cases in a single fiscal year - though this year it is possible they may process as many as 110,000 if they go all out. Keep this fact, together with the size of the backlog, in mind when trying to estimate how long it will take them to get to your case when your priority date becomes current."

    How do you reconcile USCIS productivity with the number of visas that are available? In other words, although there may be sufficient numbers available to move the priority dates forward in the next fiscal year, USCIS can only adjudicate a limited number of cases per year.

    06-28 10:47 AM
    I think there is a certain percantage or number allotted for each quarter to avoid unavailability of visas. Otherwise, there is always the possibility that if enough people are in the pipeline waiting, all visas could be allocated when the Fiscal year begins in Oct which would mean visas could become Unavailable very soon.

    So, are you saying that USCIS uses quarterly quota versus monthly quota. According to an earlier post:
    Hi Macaca;

    This is taken from the July 2000 VB:

    At the beginning of each month, the Visa Office receives a report from each immigrant visa processing post listing totals of documentarily qualified immigrant visa applicants in categories subject to numerical limitation.
    Cases are grouped by foreign state chargeability/preference/priority date. No names are reported. During the first week of each month, this documentarily qualified demand is tabulated.
    VO subdivides the annual preference and foreign state limitations which are specified by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) into twelve monthly allotments. The totals of documentarily qualified applicants reported to VO, and the expected INS demand for numbers, are compared each month with the numbers available for the next regular allotment. This allows for the determination of the monthly cut-off dates, and the allotment of numbers for reported applicants who have priority dates within the newly established cut-off dates.If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered "current."

    From this it is very clear that the number of Visas available for the rest of the FY 07 is enough to accept as many applications as can be approved in those 3 months(July, Aug and Sep).

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