Tuesday, May 17, 2011

3d moving backgrounds

3d moving backgrounds. Animated (moving) 3d desktop
  • Animated (moving) 3d desktop

  • Uragon
    Dec 2, 09:34 AM
    Okay, now I might end up being branded as an Apple apologist for this, but this thread is bugging me.

    Really, people, lighten up! It's like the corner of the carpet is smoking a little bit and people start shouting about how the whole house is about to burn down..

    No, I won't brand you as an Apple apologist nor do I consider most here in the forum as mac zealots. For me, it's always just a matter of time someone will find vulnerbilities or hacks in any OS (Mac/Win) and for either good reasons or just for being the first..

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 24, 08:09 AM
    Apples moving forward, kind of neat after all the years of stagnation. 2 Big updates in 1 year vs a minor hiccup after 1 year. This is good stuff.

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  • SPG
    Apr 11, 05:45 PM
    Thunderbolt is absolutely amazing and I think most people here aren't looking far enough ahead. A single connection that can handle massive bandwidth, is scalable in the future, can handle display as well as just data throughput, and can do this over long distances is good for more than just hard drives. Imagine a wall of displays with one cable. Imagine a stack of external processors. Imagine owning your own private data center!
    Thunderbolt is faster than the hard drive today, but when one component gets faster it lets the others get faster too. Without a data bottleneck in the cable, there is now an incentive for drive makers to develop faster storage. If you can move this kind of data around, why not build cheap little add on processors? You could buy a laptop and then buy a couple external processors that would bump you up to 12 core tower speed while remaining cheap and portable.
    Who cares if you have a bunch of USB stuff today. Think forward!

    3d moving backgrounds. Moving Backgrounds for Windows
  • Moving Backgrounds for Windows

  • firestarter
    May 1, 11:32 PM
    you guys are really reaching ... Osama Bin Laden is as big as they come as far as Terrorism goes ... that is a fact.

    Well, as long as you feel a lot better now he's gone... That's the important thing isn't it?

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  • MattyMac
    Jul 25, 09:45 AM
    I payed more than that for my Apple BT mouse a few days ago:mad: :rolleyes: :(
    Take it back!

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  • 3D Dolphins - 3D, Animals,

  • baleensavage
    Aug 15, 03:01 PM
    A lot of the features look great but the Spotlight screenshot has me worried. It looks like very little has changed with the results. The biggest failure of Spotlight for me has been the lack of the ability to sort your results by modification date. I used to use the find file to look for items on our server all the time, now it is totally useless because they show up alphabetically. I would have hoped that Apple would have gotten wise about that with Leopard. Apparently they havent listened to all the Mac users who think that Spotlight in Tiger is trash.

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  • wallpaper desktop 3d hd.

  • podiki
    May 3, 07:57 AM
    Hm, how would I be able to connect my DVI monitor to one of these? I need my high quality Eizo to do photo editing on. I'm not going to do that on the main screen.

    3d moving backgrounds. 3d moving backgrounds.
  • 3d moving backgrounds.

  • firestarter
    Apr 19, 04:38 PM
    Now, you were complaining I used 100/100 in the CPU analogy? fine, I will change it. CPU will be 90/100 and GPU is 80/100 as the 30% increase in cpu and 30% decrease in gpu, we will see a difference of 117/100 and 56/100. Am I arguing that there will be nothing to be gained from a bump in processor speed? Definitely not! Who doesnt love the little extra power when we need it? Who doesnt want the latest in tech?

    These are all random/nonsensical figures you've made up FX4568. Outside of gaming, there are prescious few apps that will be affected by a 30% decrease in GPU. Your '100 baseline' beneath which a GPU becomes unusable bears no relation to reality.

    This will be even more true as Apple becomes better at optimising for Grand Central dispatch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Central_Dispatch). As an example the new Final Cut Pro X is said to optimise and scale well across all sizes of systems. I'd expect a much faster processor to 'soak up' the GPU drop in this instance.

    What im saying is that the downgrading of the GPU outweights the upgrading of the CPU in terms of OVERALL performance.

    No. Outside of gaming, a larger proportion of processing is done in the CPU than the GPU, and improving the CPU will yield greater benefits.

    But as of me and the I believe majority of MBA owners

    You can only really talk for yourself and others in this thread that subscribe to that opinion. What evidence to you have that the majority would notice?

    I would expect that most MBA owners aren't hardcore gamers - it's just not that sort of machine. Medium power graphic uses, like productivity apps or watching movies wouldn't be noticeably impacted.

    Of course, I don't have any figures to back up that belief either. ;)

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  • Yaboze
    Apr 25, 12:36 PM
    Others have said it and I'll say it again.....

    We need a 24" screen size, or something close to it.

    21 to 27".....there's too much of a jump. 21" is too small for many and 27" may be too large.

    23-25" is the sweet spot.

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  • Moving 3d Desktop ackground,

  • falcon99
    Oct 5, 09:38 AM
    Seems like we have the same drop rate here. From all of these posts it looks like ATT has a problem in many metro areas.

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  • Watery Desktop 3D Screensaver

  • lilo777
    Apr 23, 12:21 AM
    The fact is, we've been through this before. The iPhone 1 was going to be a huge failure because it didn't have 3G. They were concerned about coverage and battery life. It's the same issue now.

    People are saying apple should make those sacrifices now to keep up with technology. But nobody is addressing the fact that apple has historical evidence that this is a sound approach.

    So many people just love to see every issue from the Apple perspective. There are people who get paid for that. Should not you - as a consumer - care more about the gadget you want than Apple success?

    Using two separate chips eats battery life. Not to mention LTE is still "just" coming out, so it won't be widespread enough to take advantage of it until 2012 anyway.

    Apple does not have to use two chips. They could just design separate phone for Verizon (just like iPhone 4) which does not support GSM. Not ideal but that's where technology is today. At least Verizon customers could enjoy iPhone 5 with LTE.

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  • Hyperspace 3D Screensaver

  • StealthGhost
    Mar 16, 11:04 PM
    Any idea where the best place for a black 16 wifi would be? I think that's all I really need, no 3g and i'll only have apps, maybe a movie here or there when traveling, no? Brea is the closest to me but it sounds like a battlefield, i'd prefer a Best Buy since I have giftcards but my recent time spent there makes me feel like i'd rather spend the money in gift cards to not have to go there again.

    3d moving backgrounds. photo : moving background
  • photo : moving background

  • Kardashian
    Jul 25, 09:03 AM
    �250 for the Adjustable Keyboard!!! even a basic was �50!

    Your kidding?

    PS: Maybe I can get an Edu discount on it, also.

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  • 3d animated wallpaper for mac

  • matticus008
    Aug 16, 01:11 AM
    Hey, don't say that too loud.

    From the ever changing Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGIcons/chapter_14_section_2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000967-TPXREF102):
    And that's how they read now� "Back" at the release of Tiger it was like this:(no explanation on why the changed was deemed more appropriate).

    Hey, don't look at me. I did not write that!
    It's still the same story. The icons are still distinctive and easily identified by their outline, as per interface guidelines. The fact that they're on a consistent and unified "button bar" or "bubble" is simply an aesthetic decision. Safari and the Finder have worked in this fashion since the beginning and no one threw the "HIG book" at Apple for that.

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  • terraphantm
    May 4, 03:42 PM
    At&t bumped my upgrade eligibility from 11/30/2011 to 6/30/2011. That must mean Apple is giving *me* the iPhone in June, right? :rolleyes:

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  • Keleko
    Apr 7, 09:49 PM
    Well, considering you have posted a few shots from Hop-town, I am about 99.999% sure where it is, but I'll play along and see if anyone else has a guess. I may just have a slightly unfair advantage, even though I have never been to this site specifically ;)

    Looks like no one else does. Jefferson Davis Monument in Fairview, KY.

    This is a really powerful shot. Great composition. I think the only thing that could make it better would perhaps be a little fill flash on the statues. I've really been enjoying your work. Just curious, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you to Hopkinsville? That's quite a ways from Atlanta.

    It's my old Kentucky home! Born and raised here. :) I was trying for HDR on the statues, but they still came out too dark because of the bright sky.

    Mine for today. Taken at the Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5148/5596364177_5b3278e919.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5596364177/)
    IMG_3158 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5596364177/) by Rusty2192 (http://www.flickr.com/people/48874590@N02/), on Flickr


    So, have you ever visited Patti's 1880's Settlement near Kentucky Lake dam? This duck has. :)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5309/5599017197_aeb573af7b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5599017197/in/photostream/)

    If you want to see some of my other Kentucky (not just Hoptown) photos, they are in this set. I have more to process and upload still, too.


    3d moving backgrounds. 3d moving backgrounds.
  • 3d moving backgrounds.

  • skinnylegs
    Mar 31, 02:01 PM
    Count me in among the "I don't like the leather look" camp. :(

    3d moving backgrounds. Moving Backgrounds for Windows
  • Moving Backgrounds for Windows

  • calderone
    Oct 20, 11:15 PM

    Which one is better?
    Nothing else really.

    Neither. Get a real chair: http://www.hermanmiller.com/Products/Aeron-Chairs

    Really though, if you are looking for looks, get the Eames knock-off. If you want comfort and longevity, invest in a good chair.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Jun 9, 10:20 AM
    Good thing that Apple takes parental controls as seriously as they take porn in their Disney store... Oh, wait. They don't.


    Why it is Apples job to "control" kids?

    Typical attitude these days:
    Somebody "f#$%^%$ up and it's just gotta be somebody elses fault!

    There's got to be a way that they can sue Apple for several millions over this.

    After all Apple allowed somebody to log into itunes.

    Apr 11, 05:02 PM
    iWant one =/

    Apr 24, 06:15 PM
    I understand from the news coverage that they attacked her after she used the woman's restroom.

    Her transgender nature, and their reaction to that was absolutely central to this crime. If that isn't a hate crime, I don't know what is.

    I wouldn't want that person in the same bathroom with my daughter.

    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    I think the Amazon mp3's are of a lower bit rate though. I have a few and that was the case. Perhaps that has changed.

    I stil prefer to own CD's and import them. Generally I can find the CD for less than the full album on-line. But I do by from itunes or amazon when I only want one song from an artist.

    Sep 14, 12:36 AM
    Some good ass korean food


    Nov 3, 07:10 PM
    Parallels takes way too long to launch, and the GUI sucks.

    Mine pops up instantly. 2.0 GHz Macbook. What's wrong with the GUI? Is it just that it's not Cocoa, the holy grail, or is there something tangible that isn't good? I've found it easy to use and unobtrusive.

    Plus, do you really think a Qt C++ wrapper around Carbon is faster than direct Cocoa calls? :rolleyes:

    Wouldn't surprise me a bit if it were. Many of the things that make Cocoa such a joy for programmers also slow it down at runtime. That's just a design decision that Apple made, and with faster computers always coming out, it becomes less of a drawback at runtime.

    I just want a nice documented-based Cocoa app that behaves like a Mac app, with a fast virtualization at its core :)

    Err, why should a virtual machine be document-based? That doesn't make any sense to me.

    The whole thing that drew my attention to your original post was that comment about Cocoa. Why do you, as an end-user, care about that? Cocoa is great, but there seems to be a mentality here that anything else is inferior or a second-class citizen. I kind of understand why that mentality came to be - Cocoa came with OS X, Carbon is a bridge to the past in OS 9. Thus people automatically assumed that Cocoa = good and Carbon = bad. But Carbon is every bit as capable as Cocoa, and thus why an end-user would care one bit about either is beyond me.

    Granted, Parallels is done with Qt, which looks a little bit "off" sitting next to a Carbon or Cocoa app, but does that really matter? It looks damn close, and frankly, looks mean nothing to me if the interface works intuitively. And that it does.

    I'm not picking on you, just trying to understand your reasoning. ;)

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