Monday, May 16, 2011

emo love kissing

emo love kissing. Kissing in
  • Kissing in

  • cwir
    Apr 14, 02:55 PM
    what's about battery drain ? anybody noticed something ?

    emo love kissing. i love you baby emo. i love
  • i love you baby emo. i love

  • SingaporeStu
    Jan 31, 10:32 PM
    His character on "Two & A Half Men" is based loosely on his life. He's been this way for the longest time. He's been through enough rehab to know what the alternatives are (the "healthy" lifestyle), and he obviously doesn't want that. He enjoys living as he does, so who can begrudge him that?

    I'd rather have a short, enjoyable and colourful life than a long, boring one. Cheers to Charlie, I say. Damn that guys pulls some nice chicks��

    emo love kissing. kissing emo quiz
  • kissing emo quiz

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 05:20 PM
    So wait, not to go off-topic, but let me get this straight: Josh quit Engadget to start another tech blog? FFS, like we don't have enough of those already.

    No, he and like 7 others left Engadget because they didn't like how (AOL, owner) were trying to make them push content on the website. They are forming a new site with SBNation that will launch this fall. You can tell who the real talent was, as Josh got the break on this story and Engadget did not.

    emo love kissing. Kisses, Emo Kiss, Emo Kissing,
  • Kisses, Emo Kiss, Emo Kissing,

  • mc68k
    Oct 30, 01:33 AM
    cool thats probably it then, the -16.

    the processor trick is with the dev tools. there's a prefpane where u can turn off individual cores, and turn off hyperthreading. too bad there's not a dev tool for overclocking ;)

    emo love kissing. emo love, kissing,
  • emo love, kissing,

  • cmaier
    Apr 21, 10:15 PM
    Germany is a painful place to defend a patent suit.

    emo love kissing. Kiss Emo Myspace Comme
  • Kiss Emo Myspace Comme

  • paulrbeers
    Apr 14, 12:48 PM
    Are people firing up their lawyers because Apple does not update their iPhone 3G that came with iOS 3 when they bought it in june 2010 ? Doesn't the licence flyer in the box say Apple will supply the current iOS version +1 ?

    Yeahhhh... iPhone 4 came out in 2010. The 3G came out in June of 2008 and ran until June of 2009. Any purchases after June of 2009 was as the "cheap" last years iPhone model just like the 3GS. And since iOS did originally come on the device as 2.0 and then released updates until 4.2, that's more than covering their agreement of iOS +1.

    emo love kissing. I think that if you love
  • I think that if you love

  • Prother
    Apr 28, 08:46 PM
    So what you are telling me is: An iPhone 4 comes out and I buy a case. Incase makes $20. An iPhone 5 comes out the same size and I don't buy a case because I have an old one and Incase makes $0. How is that better for Incase exactly?

    The point you are trying to make is FAIL, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 are two different phones. Nobody on earth who already has a black iphone 4 would go and buy a white iphone 4. And if they did, they would need to buy another case anyways to have them on both phones. Cant protect 2 phones with one case.

    Right now manufacturers need to make 3 different cases for different versions of the same phone -> confusion for customers -> lower customer satisfaction -> less money. Dont tell me manufacturers are happy at this to be able to make mountains and mountains of cash off people who get the wrong case accidentally and end up buying another one.

    emo love kissing. Emo Anime Love Kiss.
  • Emo Anime Love Kiss.

  • jcrMBP
    Sep 30, 07:52 AM
    AT&T has a problem. I've been a customer for many years. Most of my family are AT&T customers. We all live in different parts of the country and we all experience the same problems. Very frequent, way too frequent, dropped calls. I know the naysayers and apologists here say to give AT&T a break. They are experiencing growing pains. Here's what I have to say.

    First of all, my iPhone is a Phone! I expect the phone part of the iPhone to work above all else. It's nice to have the apps but I expect the phone to work 100% of the time. That's what I'm paying for. If AT&T needs to figure out a way to throttle down the data then that's what they need to do during peak usage. Phone calls should be the priority for a phone! I still have a Gen 1 iPhone and will not upgrade until AT&T resolves their problems. When I get tired of waiting for that to happen and my iPhone dies, I'll switch phones and networks.

    emo love kissing. emo love 143 couple
  • emo love 143 couple

  • pkson
    Apr 21, 11:44 PM

    Samsung trying to save face!
    I'd like to see what Apple Korea does about this! haha

    They'd better be better in court than they are in customer service.

    emo love kissing. emo love wallpapers for
  • emo love wallpapers for

  • alexf
    Oct 18, 07:20 PM
    To wit, the iPod is not Apple's "cash cow". By definition, if there is something that gains more revenue/profit than the iPod, then the iPod cannot be the cash cow. 58% of Apple's revenue still came from sales of Macs. Gross margins for both Macs and iPods has always been similar (hovering a bit below 30%), so the Mac also generates the majority of the profit for Apple.

    Why, my friend, do you think that a "cash cow" has to be the thing that gains the most revenue/profit? Not sure what dictionary you're using; please let me know.

    emo love kissing. emo love quotes and sayings
  • emo love quotes and sayings

  • CEAbiscuit
    Jul 24, 03:43 PM
    Make it easy to clean, or I'm sticking with my Kensington Trackball. 10 years, the same design. And I can replace the white trackball with my favorite snooker ball.

    emo love kissing. Cute Emo Love Images
  • Cute Emo Love Images

  • Waybo
    Apr 14, 08:58 PM

    C&C welcomed & appreciated, as always.

    ISO 400, 21mm, f/4.5, 1/1000

    emo love kissing. Emo guys are Sweeter than
  • Emo guys are Sweeter than

  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 24, 08:28 PM
    I like my G5 (the logitech mouse) for the laser, amount of buttons (the wheel has 3 clicks), the extra weight (you don't know you need it until you have it) and the smooth teflon pads on the bottom that make every other mouse feel like crap (stick to the table) when you move it. I just wish there were drivers for Mac. USB overdrive is ok, but I don't get the full 2000 dpi and the speed is still too low for my liking (everyone says I'm crazy with my mouse speed :p ). I have to reach across a 20" screen with less than an inch of mouse movement with no acceleration. It works under windows, dammit! If anyone has a solution for me, PM me please.

    Maybe I'll get in of those Bluetooth "M5". I love that it works with AA batteries since I would hate having to charge my laptop, cell phone, iPod AND my mouse. Laser uses less battery power than the optical thing by the way so battery time should be good.

    emo love kissing. Love, emo above picture,
  • Love, emo above picture,

  • btree
    Oct 23, 11:55 AM
    who reads the EULA anyway, i have better things to do with my time

    Careful, this might happen to you:

    emo love kissing. Emo boys kissing Hot.
  • Emo boys kissing Hot.

  • zachlegomaniac
    Apr 13, 01:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It's going to have to outperform the ATV2 by leaps and bounds for me to purchase it. Sounds cool if it does and comes in at a reasonable price point though.

    emo love kissing. Emo Pon emo
  • Emo Pon emo

    Apr 14, 07:41 AM
    Apple II

    Newton X (which means you could use a pen also)


    emo love kissing. True Love#39;s Kiss
  • True Love#39;s Kiss

  • yoak
    Jul 24, 04:52 PM
    I have BT keyboard and mouse with my iMac and I love the tidyness of it. One cable that�s all. I have tried the MM in the shop and I thought it was nice to use, but from what I�ve read here it seems to be problems with the scroll ball. Guess my old mouse will do for now

    emo love kissing. Sasuke Sakura emo love
  • Sasuke Sakura emo love

  • ViViDboarder
    Jun 6, 11:29 AM

    And you're basing this conclusion jumping on, what? You win for the most ill-informed, knee-jerk, baseless response in this thread.

    I always wonder why people decide to respond to the post below mine which says the same thing but with less proof...

    Above I said the same thing with a specific example. It's not as fun to argue with someone who makes a good argument though, is it?

    emo love kissing. Anime Wallpaper #1. EMO
  • Anime Wallpaper #1. EMO

  • Moyank24
    Apr 30, 03:31 PM
    Ummm, I'm not sure this game is over yet... there's still an infected Villager out there...

    That's what he said. Reread what he wrote.

    Jaffa Cake
    Feb 25, 10:50 AM
    There was a lad on the bus the other day who looked like the fat kid. I was hoping comedy capers would follow, but alas not.

    Mar 31, 04:12 PM
    Yeah that's really ugly.

    Jon from kent
    Apr 26, 10:07 AM
    I bought a 21.5 imac last summer three days before they launched the new one, so sent it back.

    Finally bought its replacement three days ago. Now they're doing it again.

    Can't be bothered this time.


    Apr 28, 03:47 PM
    Does Apple's website specs show this?

    EDIT. Nope. Still 9.3 mm thin

    May 3, 08:10 AM
    And yet prices in the Australian Apple Store are still 25% higher than the USA Store. How rude, Apple.

    Top end 27" iMac = US$1999, or in the Australian Store, AUD$2299 which at the current exchange rate is about US$2500. Why should we pay more, Apple? If anything, we're closer to China so should pay less on shipping!

    Whilst it's slightly better than yesterdays prices, I'm still seriously not happy.
    I'd buy one if we got the USA prices.

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