Monday, May 16, 2011

betty white young

betty white young. Betty White on SNL,
  • Betty White on SNL,

  • grassland
    Apr 2, 05:43 AM
    old timers:)

    betty white young. Betty White: Sheen, Lohan are
  • Betty White: Sheen, Lohan are

  • redAPPLE
    Jul 25, 01:12 AM
    i am soon going to reveal my new self-help program. it is called, no-drink. it would help alcoholics stop drinking. and start driving. :rolleyes:

    betty white young. etty white young photos,
  • etty white young photos,

  • St0rMl0rD
    Dec 4, 11:06 AM
    You want a GUN for Christmas?


    betty white young. only date Betty White.
  • only date Betty White.

  • stroked
    Apr 24, 07:06 PM
    Define "dude".

    anyone born with a penis

    except a child of course

    betty white young. Betty White SNL Host |
  • Betty White SNL Host |

  • digitalbiker
    Oct 19, 12:09 PM
    Apple didn't update the form factors was to ease people into Intel. Apple had to convince upgraders that they were still using a Mac, and that the inside was the only thing that changed (for the better). Now that Gen 1 Intel is complete Apple can update the form factors as they have proved Macs will always be Macs.

    I agree completely.

    None of the mac products significanly changed form factor even though the "innards" changed significantly.

    This year should be the year we see major style changes. The old line is getting seriously stale.

    betty white young. See Betty White At Least 12
  • See Betty White At Least 12

  • snebes
    Apr 26, 09:38 PM
    I really don't get what the big deal is, even though I have a 24" model myself...come on, you guys are complaining about having three extra inches of workspace? Unless you live in a cubicle, this should be no issue AT ALL.

    I am definitely looking forward to buying a 27" one in replacement of my 2008 Aluminum 24", just for the extra horsepower, I/O and better GPU (not that mine isn't wonderful already)...just bring me SB goodness, 1 or 2Tb HDs, perhaps a small SDD for the quickest boot, TB port and a higher-than-average GPU...glossy is fine by me as well :D

    +1. 27" is a different AR. Its just like a wider 24". I have the same 24" you have, and can't wait to pick up the new 27" (hopefully larger even). I will probably hold out until Lion comes out and for the new SSDs to come down in price (not apple's).

    betty white young. week#39;s host: Betty White.
  • week#39;s host: Betty White.

  • mhof
    Mar 16, 12:43 AM
    Anyone hittin' up Southcoast? My schedule is pretty open so I'm thinking of spending my morning there.

    betty white young. Betty White
  • Betty White

  • Vegasman
    Apr 26, 12:32 PM
    Can you point me to were you are getting your 2TB hard drives for free? :cool:

    You need the local drive anyway. Are you saying you will delete all your songs from your local drive once you put them in the cloud? Now that seems impractical.

    betty white young. At 87, Betty White#39;s
  • At 87, Betty White#39;s

  • ZooCrewMan
    Jan 30, 10:32 AM
    Apple's stock (APPL in NYSE) has plummeted $68 in the last 30 days (from $198 to $130 or 35%) does anyone know what has caused this? Curious...


    Simple, it was overpriced.

    betty white young. etty white nude young nsfw
  • etty white nude young nsfw

  • Antares
    Dec 30, 10:14 AM
    and that's the best way I can explain it without going into TMI territory.

    I think we went passed that line back on page 1.

    Agreed. At this point, dXTC, you might as well go ahead with the full details. Make this thread complete...

    betty white young. lead or Betty White,
  • lead or Betty White,

  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 10:26 PM
    I'm kind of surprised that he was still alive.

    Apparently he had long term kidney disease... I thought he would have died in a cave years ago and no-one had found his body (we haven't seen him in the media for years).

    Props to the US forces.

    It's certainly good news... but might not mean very much. Al Qaeda was always more of a movement or 'franchise' than a hierarchical organisation with command and control.

    I still think he died a long time ago (like 10 years) and the CIA hid his body to deny martydom and ease the occuapation of Afghanistan and Iraq. I mean, how "convienient" that they "have his body" now.

    Like you indicate, it doesn't mean much now, martydom or not. But if I was the CIA, hmmm...maybe it's time to shift focus to Iran in some way rather than "hunt al queda". This has also got to be good news for arms dealers.

    betty white young. Betty#39;s image as a feisty,
  • Betty#39;s image as a feisty,

  • Btrthnezr3
    Nov 16, 04:04 PM

    where you've been? abercrombies lowest quality company has been around almost 10 years lol

    Aeropostale is NOT related to, owned by or a subsidiary of Abercrombie and Fitch. Thanks.

    betty white young. Betty+white+snickers+add
  • Betty+white+snickers+add

  • Ommid
    Apr 24, 05:16 AM
    Lol, I wonder if you can change that wallpaper to get rid of the phone number?? :D

    betty white young. Actress Betty White clutches a
  • Actress Betty White clutches a

  • dkoralek
    Oct 24, 08:55 AM
    And they delayed this update by 6-8 weeks for ... ?

    Would/Should we have waited if we knew then what we know now and will know in the future ?

    Probably because they needed to wait for sufficient stocks of the faster merom chips (you don't see many of the 2.3GHz offerings from other manufacturers, either). Now I just have to decide if I want to lug a macpro across the pond or go for a 17" mbp.


    betty white young. always-awesome Betty White
  • always-awesome Betty White

  • decafjava
    Apr 14, 12:52 PM
    Happy with my black iPhone4 I got in January and can wait til iPhone6. :D

    betty white young. Does Betty White get you hot
  • Does Betty White get you hot

  • lbro
    Apr 16, 10:52 PM
    I might play. Not totally sure yet.

    betty white young. awards Its etty white
  • awards Its etty white

  • MatLu
    Jun 7, 12:14 AM
    This is one of the reasons why I don't have any of my credit card associated with my iTunes account. I always just buy myself some iTunes credit and use that instead. So far I've never bought anything by accident on iTunes (but I did once buy a Kindle book on Amazon by accident (since Kindle books are automatically and always 1-Click purchases even if you disable that feature for everything else on Amazon). Lesson learned for this kid and mother. Luckily they were able to get a refund from Apple.

    betty white young. Betty White Is Keeping Strong
  • Betty White Is Keeping Strong

  • Jumpman2033
    May 3, 08:14 AM
    A very "noobish" question.....Are iMac's upgradable? The reason i ask is because my current computer is a Dell XPSONE 24 (all in one machine). It has been great, but is rapidly becoming outdated. I can no longer update my graphics card without issues and due to the machines design i cannot upgrade the graphics card. (power supply cannot handle anything better).

    I am really considering the iMac because i love the all-in-one designs and fits what i need. However, i don't want to be stuck in this same situation in 2 -3 years.

    betty white young. Betty wants today#39;s young
  • Betty wants today#39;s young

  • TUD
    Apr 13, 07:37 PM
    Who cares! A little too late now, bring on the iPhone 5!

    Mar 16, 11:07 AM
    Ample supply of 64 Verizon at SCP for no, but was told by the mall cop that we were not allowed to "loiter" and he told everyone in the back of the line to leave or we would be forced to leave. Real nice.


    Dude the South Coast Plaza security are grade A douchebags. They are definitely on a high horse... I guess a lot of people around that area are.

    Lesser Evets
    Apr 29, 02:52 PM
    CDs are generally around $10-$13 in stores. Downloads at roughly the same price are a rip(10+ songs per CD). $.69 is right for me. Hello, Amazon.

    Oct 23, 01:48 PM
    The sordid truth of MS is that there are so many pain-in-the-butt issues that this following year they are seriously going to loose market to Apple and OSX.

    Apr 23, 06:13 PM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P

    May 3, 07:36 AM
    This might be the time to buy a new iMac... finally :D

    Really impressed with the specs and price point on these. Can't wait to see all of the options.

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