Monday, May 16, 2011

wallpapers of cute babies

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 02:08 AM
    It looks like Samsung is supplying the SSD in the MBA.

    Apple shipping newer, faster SSDs in latest MacBook Airs
    by Chris Foresman | Last updated 3 days ago

    Apple launched revised MacBook Air models in the fall of 2010 by going SSD-only with speedy, but custom, small outline SSD modules made by Toshiba. However, some users are now reporting that the most recent MacBook Airs are using what appears to be a Samsung-made module, which is capable of 20-25 percent faster read and write speeds.
    According to testing by AnandTech, an SSD that carries the model name SM128C turned in a read speed of 261.1 MBps and a write speed of 209.6 MBps. Those speeds are 24 percent and 19 percent faster, respectively, compared to the Toshiba-made SSDs (model TS128C) that originally shipped in the MacBook Air.
    While the manufacturer hasn't been confirmed yet�Apple has not responded to our request for comment�AnandTech believes the "SM" in the model name refers to Samsung. The site noted that the tested speed ratings are comparable to other SSD drives built by Samsung.
    We felt that the 11" MacBook Air was very responsive with its equipped SSD module in our review last fall, but a little extra performance never hurts. For now, though, there is no way to guarantee which SSD module you'll get when buying a MacBook Air, and neither Samsung nor Toshiba appear to be offering their modules to consumers. Well-known Mac upgrade source Other World Computing offers the only known replacement SSD modules for the MacBook Air, which are rated at similar performance levels as the purported Samsung modules. Our full review of that upgrade option is coming soon.

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  • SteveRichardson
    Jul 11, 03:01 PM
    yeah I could actully see windows users buying this....just because it's made by microsoft.

    perhaps this could slightly hurting the iPod, but then again, it'll up the competition and make apple come out with COOLER STUFF YEA!

    uh huh.

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  • Very Cute Baby Wallpapers

  • arkitect
    Feb 1, 08:48 AM
    You mean that hookers, cocaine and Ferrari's aren't everyone's dream? :confused:
    Nope. Certainly not mine�

    Are you the same NickZac who posts in PRSI? :confused:

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  • splashnader
    Jan 30, 08:40 PM
    I really like that bag! Very nice.

    Just had Five Guys with my brother. No one in my family but me takes him there. It's become our thing :) (

    I love their fries. That picture makes me want a burger and I just ate. :p

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  • wallpaper cute. Cute Babies

  • neutrino23
    Dec 1, 03:32 PM
    Which makes it even MORE odd that it's enabled by default in MacTels, which don't run Classic. :confused:

    Hmm. I'm running a 17" MacBook Pro with 10.4.8 and when I checked under both Ethernet and Airport Appletalk was not enabled. On this machine I have never set it one way or the other.

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  • DesmoPilot
    Apr 28, 07:03 PM
    Oh no the white one is barely thicker then the black one. First world problem if I've ever heard of one.

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  • Wallpaper Desktop Cute Baby.

  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 10:39 AM
    They seemed pretty pissed off at her. I highly doubt they were beating her up like that simply because she's transgender. If they end up getting charged with a hate crime I'll lose a little more faith in humanity.

    I understand from the news coverage that they attacked her after she used the woman's restroom.

    Her transgender nature, and their reaction to that was absolutely central to this crime. If that isn't a hate crime, I don't know what is.

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  • Cute and Naughty Babies

  • silentnite
    May 3, 07:57 AM
    This is an imac worth buying, finally a quad core at an excellent price. To bad I'm not in need of a new computer:)

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  • Cute Baby Eyes Wallpaper

  • yg17
    Mar 7, 05:55 PM
    I guess we're down to one and a half men.

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  • Cute Baby Start Weeping

  • illbeback
    Apr 16, 03:46 PM
    does this still have lag/freezing issues?

    I know when lion beta was first released it would lag and freeze a lot! also it was very unstable, 80% of the apps would crash constantly.
    Oh really?
    Where did you attain this copy of LION... off a Pirate Bay?
    No wonder it's a POS!

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 13, 05:00 AM
    As long as it isn't 2011.

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  • Cute and Naughty Babies

  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 25, 09:25 AM
    Huh, I notice "Wireless keyboard and mouse" is no longer an option for BTO iMac... thats odd. You'd think they'd at least keep the regular bluetooth mouse there until they figure out what to charge for the BTO bluetooth MM.

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  • Cute Babies

  • Anonymous Freak
    Apr 28, 02:24 PM
    Why are you equating "cross-dresser" and "pedophile"?

    Also you do realize that gender roles and gender distinctions are purely socially constructed concepts that hold no real barring on reality.

    Calling someone "creeeeepy" because they do not fit into your preconceived notion of gender is kind of ****ed up no?

    The two were separate qualifiers. I wouldn't imagine that a male pedophile that ISN'T cross-dressing would try to walk into a womens' restroom. I was *NOT* meaning to imply that all cross-dressers are pedophiles.

    To me, "transgender" means someone who identifies as the opposite of their birth gender the vast majority of the time. "Cross-dresser" means someone who primarily identifies as one gender, but occasionally dresses as the other gender. Yes, it is possible to have a transgender cross-dresser, someone who primarily identifies as the opposite of their birth gender, but occasionally dresses as their birth gender.

    I have no problem with "regular" cross-dressers. But if they identify as their birth gender the majority of the time, they should use their birth gender-labeled restroom. If they identify as the opposite gender the majority of the time, even if they are still physically their birth gender, then I don't have a problem with them using their identified-as restroom.

    And, yes, I fully agree that calling someone creepy because they do not fit into preconceived notions of gender is ********* up. People are people, regardless of outward appearances.

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  • So check these sweet baby

  • Pragmatic67
    Oct 23, 07:54 AM
    just to clear up the confusion, is this a legal or technical restriction? Can you still do this with the basic edition technically, but illegally. Or are there technical restrictions being applied?

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  • Cute Babies Images Kids

  • snebes
    Apr 26, 09:38 PM
    I really don't get what the big deal is, even though I have a 24" model myself...come on, you guys are complaining about having three extra inches of workspace? Unless you live in a cubicle, this should be no issue AT ALL.

    I am definitely looking forward to buying a 27" one in replacement of my 2008 Aluminum 24", just for the extra horsepower, I/O and better GPU (not that mine isn't wonderful already)...just bring me SB goodness, 1 or 2Tb HDs, perhaps a small SDD for the quickest boot, TB port and a higher-than-average GPU...glossy is fine by me as well :D

    +1. 27" is a different AR. Its just like a wider 24". I have the same 24" you have, and can't wait to pick up the new 27" (hopefully larger even). I will probably hold out until Lion comes out and for the new SSDs to come down in price (not apple's).

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  • NewSc2
    Jul 28, 05:43 PM
    I think this is great news~ I mean, really a few things would happen:

    Zune sucks, doesn't do well (good for Apple)
    Zune is well designed, but Apple makes an even better iPod (good for us)
    Zune is really really well-designed, better than the iPod. (good for me, I'll get a Zune over an iPod)

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  • Big Eyes Cute Baby Cute Babies

  • belair
    Oct 24, 07:45 AM
    Would anyone happen to know if they changed the case design.

    The apple store is still down�

    The 17 inch looks almost affordable, almost.

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  • reflex
    Oct 24, 07:54 AM
    Wonderful update. I hope the 160GB upgrade isn't too expensive, but 1GB standard and starting at 120GB are more than I expected or even hoped for.

    I was also still doubting if I should get a MB or MBP, but that question has been settled today.

    wallpapers of cute babies. Cute Babies Desktop Wallpapers
  • Cute Babies Desktop Wallpapers

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 14, 09:37 AM
    If iOS are iPhone OS...
    Mac OS X Lion has idevices functions...
    idevices + Mac OS X ---- iX

    thank you! thats what i have been thinking since this popped up last night. but no one posted it and it was bugging me, so thank you for posting it.

    Apple OC
    May 1, 11:53 PM
    To US its a big deal. It's a blow to the Al-Qaeda that doesn't exist anymore. The current one will still function just as it has for nearly a decade in its cell based way. If anything this will just piss off extremists. Don't think for a second some type of retaliation (most likely attacks in the Middle East) won't come about from this.

    are you suggesting we give him a pass? :rolleyes:

    Apr 12, 08:45 AM
    Bolding mine... As a point of contention. Especially since iDevices don't even saturate the USB bus. I doubt Apple will spend more money to use faster Flash storage. Especially when (as of right now) Windows PCs don't have ThunderBolt.

    They already have patented a version of the 30 pin connector that includes both USB 3.0 and TB. It's coming.

    Apr 28, 11:01 AM
    ... perhaps most surprisingly, the iPhone 3GS took second place in the rankings. Despite essentially being a nearly two-year-old device . . .

    That speaks volumes.

    That low price sells?

    According to your past posts, selling phones at a low price ($49 in this case) is a sign of desperation, of an attempt to flood the market.

    Heck, that's far cheaper than BOGO sales for other handsets where two people have sign long contracts.

    Or, could it just possibly be that people aren't always swayed just by price? That the device itself could be a major factor?

    Apr 12, 09:47 AM

    May 1, 10:46 PM
    Obama's speech was awesome

    Indeed it was.
    I wonder if they will release any photographs.

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